Agree about the negative effects of highly processed foods. However a number of thoughts on the other content:
1. "meat — the most nutrient-rich food"
Leafy green vegetables have the highest nutrient density per calorie
2. In terms of big industry impact on food, animal agriculture is one of the biggest in terms of subsidies, lobbying and influence
3. Oxidation (rather than oxidization) is also a concern with meat via the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). "Certain foods, such as animal foods, also tend to be higher in AGEs. These include meat (especially red meat)"
4. The study cited also has weakness, as discussed here:
5. This is just a single study (with its own weaknesses as above). It is the balance of evidence from hundreds of studies that determines the best available approach. In passing, they also did not completey exonerate red meat re "“We found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease"
6. Taking a step back, it is useful to look at which populations in the real world have the best health outcomes. Blue Zones (largely but not exclusively unprocessed plant-based) have both the highest healthspans and lifespans, and as such would seem to be a very good best bet to follow.